Basic Excel Functions for Everyday Use

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Navigating the maze of numbers and formulas in Excel can be daunting, but with a solid grasp of Excel functions, such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, and summing totals—we can change that together.

These basic functions are the cornerstone of Excel, and mastering them can significantly enhance your data handling capabilities.

Let’s embark on this journey to demystify these essential skills, transforming complexity into simplicity.

Table of Contents

  1. Why Basic Excel Functions Matter?
  2. Addition in Excel
  3. Subtraction in Excel
  4. Division in Excel
  5. Multiplication in Excel
  6. Summing Totals in Excel
  7. Counting Cells in Excel
  8. Summary

Unlocking the Power of Excel: Why These Functions Matter

Excel is not just a tool; it’s a necessity in many professions.

Understanding its basic functions is akin to having a Swiss Army knife in the world of data management.

This blog post aims to turn the seemingly complex Excel landscape into a manageable and user-friendly interface.

By mastering functions like addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, and summing totals, you’ll be able to manage budgets, perform basic data analysis, and organize information effectively.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a student, or just someone looking to improve their office skills, these functions are your first step towards Excel proficiency.

Addition in Excel: Combining Values with Ease

Addition, the most fundamental arithmetic operation, is a breeze in Excel.

To add values, simply use the plus sign (+).

For instance, to add 5 and 3 in Excel, you would type =5+3 in a cell.

Press Enter, and voilà, Excel displays the sum, which is 8 in this case.

Remember, the equals sign (=) is crucial; it tells Excel that you’re performing a calculation.

Subtraction in Excel: The Art of Taking Away

Subtraction in Excel is just as straightforward.

Use the minus sign () to subtract one value from another.

If you want to subtract 2 from 10, your formula in Excel would be =10-2. This formula will return 8.

When subtracting, the order of numbers is key, as it determines what’s being subtracted from what.

Division in Excel: Splitting Values Simply

To divide one number by another in Excel, use the forward slash (/).

For example, dividing 10 by 2 is as simple as typing =10/2.

Upon pressing Enter, Excel calculates the quotient, which is 5 in this scenario.

Be cautious with division; dividing by zero in Excel will result in an error, as this is mathematically undefined.

Multiplication in Excel: Increasing Numbers

Multiplying numbers in Excel requires the asterisk (*).

To multiply 5 by 3, for example, enter =5*3 into a cell.

The result, 15, appears after you press Enter.

Multiplication in Excel is handy for calculating totals, percentages, and more.

Summing Totals in Excel: Adding Multiple Numbers

Summing totals is where Excel truly shines.

The SUM function allows you to add a range of numbers quickly.

For instance, to add the numbers in cells A1 to A5, you would use =SUM(A1:A5).

This formula adds all the values within this range, saving you the hassle of adding each number individually.

A point to note: empty cells in the range are considered as zero in the sum. If you want to learn more detail on how to sum values in excel check out the detailed post.

Counting Cells in Excel: Easily Quantify Your Data

Counting cells in Excel allows you to quantify data in various ways, catering to different needs.

For a straightforward count of cells containing numbers, the COUNT function is your go-to.

For example, if you want to count how many cells in a range from A1 to A10 contain numbers, your formula in Excel would be =COUNT(A1:A10).

This would return the count of numeric cells within that range.

Numbers and Text

To include all non-empty cells, regardless of their content type (number, text, etc.), you would use the COUNTA function.

Using the same range, if you’re going to count all non-empty cells, your formula changes to =COUNTA(A1:A10).

This approach captures every cell that has any data in it, providing a broader count than the COUNT function.

Count with a Criteria

For more nuanced counting, such as counting cells that meet a specific criterion, the COUNTIF function comes into play.

Suppose you want to count how many cells in the same range contain the number 5; your formula would be =COUNTIF(A1:A10, 5).

This formula specifically tallies the cells that match the criterion, in this case, containing the number 5.

Check out the full guide on how to count the number of cells with specific text if you wish to learn more.

Understanding these three functions—COUNT, COUNTA, and COUNTIF—provides a solid foundation for beginners to start leveraging Excel’s counting capabilities, each serving a unique purpose for different counting scenarios.


In this blog post, we’ve navigated through some of the fundamental basic Excel functions, covering addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, the art of summing totals and basic cell counts.

These core operations are the backbone of efficient data management in Excel, enabling you to perform a wide array of tasks from simple calculations to complex data analysis with ease.

Understanding and applying these basic Excel functions are crucial for anyone looking to streamline their work or personal projects. Whether you’re tallying expenses, calculating grades, or analyzing business metrics, these functions offer a straightforward path to achieving accurate results.

Remember, mastering these basic functions lays the groundwork for exploring more advanced Excel features. With practice, you’ll find that Excel’s capabilities are nearly limitless, empowering you to turn data into actionable insights.

Keep exploring, and let Excel functions unlock new levels of productivity and efficiency in your work.

Keep Excelling,

Ever wonder why some Excel formulas just don’t behave as you expect? The secret might just be hiding in plain sight: dollar signs. Uncover the power of dollar signs in Excel formulas and transform the way you manage your spreadsheets. Click to discover how to lock your data magic in place!

With over 20 years in the field, I've become a go-to consultant for all things Excel. From basic formulas to complex macros and dashboards, I've tackled a wide range of Excel challenges. My goal? To demystify Excel's vast capabilities and empower you with practical skills and insights. Join me in this journey to unlock the full potential of Excel, one step at a time. I'm here to share the exploration of Excel's capabilities and help you learn a few things along the way!